Eligibility For Directorship

News & Reports

In accordance with the Companies Act,2019 (ACT 992) and the Board Charter of the Bank, Shareholders are hereby informed that they are at liberty to propose any person of their choice to contest the election to the office of a Director of the Bank.

The proposal shall however be seconded by another Shareholder.

Persons being proposed to contest for election for directorship shall be subject to the following qualifications;

  1. The person proposed, shall deposit at the office of the bank, notice in writing of his willingness to be elected and his curriculum vitae.
  2. Shareholders who aspire to the highest office of Director of the Bank must hold a minimum of 10,000 ordinary shares (GH¢5,000.00)
  3. Applicants shall possess any of the following professions: Banking, Law, Finance, Accounting, Economics, Education, Information Technology, Business Administration, Financial Analysis, Entrepreneurship, Risk Management, Strategic Planning and Corporate Governance and other areas that the Bank of Ghana deems fit.

Shareholders shall submit Application on directorship to any of the offices of Kwahu Praso Rural Bank Limited or the email address below not less than one (1) month before the meeting. kwahuprasorbl@yahoo.com or info@kwahuprasoruralbank.com

CLOSING DATE: At close of business (5 pm) on Wednesday, 29th July, 2022

Fred Adu-Dwomor
(Secretary to the Board)